Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sweep and Clear: Vysota 7/31/2012

Our slightly understrength squad was tasked with renewing Chernarussian Defense Force mobility north of Chernogorsk. Russian forces had sent their militias scrambling back into the city whenever they probed Vysota, the dominating hill north of the factories. We trundled up to our hastily designated observation post and tried to get a look at the hill. We got lucky, no Russian forces were there, and the team began scanning the area.

We spotted a squad of Russians milling about northeast of the hill carrying all the weaponry we could expect from the Russian Federation--automatic rifles, machine guns, rocket-propelled-grenades. We decide to shift our advance to the south, using a cut in the woods on what will be on our right flank. The steep slope and the dense trees should keep us safe from any heavier weapons at the crest of the hill. So we load back up into our BFV and shoot south like a bullet from a revolver.

My gunner suppresses a Russian patrol at the foot of the hill as we speed by and as soon as I can get the vehicle to solid cover, the infantry streams out the back. Boxer, the infantry section, begins checking the left flank as the BFV anchors the front and right.

As the section advances, they mark a target with red smoke, which my gunner buries in a withering fire from the machine gun. As that threat is neutralized, Boxer reports RPG fire being caught in the tree branches and we begin to maneuver in to neutralize the threat. 

The RPG fire becomes too great, and nearby CDF militia join the fight, allowing us to withdraw. Our new plan is to attack from the north east and sweep south through the crest of the hill.  If the CDF can divert their attention long enough, a swift sudden strike will defeat the enemy quickly.

The section dismounts at a ranch north of the target area, scanning as much as we can for enemy AT weapons.

The infantry section gets struck on its right by Russian infantry, but as the BFV rolls in to provide a base of fire, my gunner notices a pile of enemy on our left--all armed with RPGs.  A team marks their targets with smoke again, as the Bradley cuts the target to bits with 7.76 rounds.  

As the threats are neutralized on each flank, the BFV rolls up between the infantry as the entire squad rolls into the fenced in yard of the radio tower at Vysota.  The Russian forces just south are cut down by rifle fire by Boxer.  With Vysota clear, the CDF can now freely push north into the heart of South Zagoria.

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